L}6CD l0C)HCC WhL/h `CmCDiD`  R@P '+9AFHXajstxz Ȥ ΍ Ȥ Ȥ ΢ ֍  卪 卪 卪 荪 퍪 ㍪ ֍ 卪 荪 䍪 卪 卪 獪  Ȥ κ Ȥ Ȥ Ȥ ΢ Ȥ >[8C]>/Ridgely purchased /pills to help his severe case of /vertigo.>/WEAPON CLUE (/3 Parts)| /3. Common name for an /urban /area.>/Harkness is a /British /agent.>You got here in time to stop /Crepnick from /leaving the /country.>A /kite and a /length of /copper /wire is found on the roof of the Hotel.>/KILLER CLUE (/2 Parts)| /2. A /Civil War /general.>/MOTIVE CLUE (/3 Parts)| /3. Specially mixed /food for a /baby.>/MOTIVE CLUE (/3 Parts)| /2. A sewer /rodent.>/Ridgely was seen talking to /Crepnick here the day before Ladder's death.>/KILLER CLUE (/2 Parts)| /1. The opposite of /poor.>/WEAPON CLUE (/3 Parts)| /2. /Moss /grows on the /north side of a _____.>/WEAPON CLUE (/3 Parts)| /1. To /vote into /office.>Think of /Ben /Franklin.>/MOTIVE CLUE (/3 Parts)| /1. "_____ and ye /shall /find."[11C]>/KILLER CLUE (/3 Parts)| /3. A type of /fabric.>McSwade collects /gold /coins.>Sir Bertram Lampfelt just returned from /Paris.>/WEAPON CLUE (/3 Parts)| /1. /Money /paid /for a service.>/KILLER CLUE (/3 Parts)| /1. Not /Variables.>/MOTIVE CLUE (/2 Parts)| /2. /Apples /grow on a _____.>The killer was a /ham /radio /operator.>/GENERAL /KILLER & /MOTIVE CLUE: A little /birdie /told her.>/WEAPON CLUE (/3 Parts)| /2. /Insects who make /honey.>/WEAPON CLUE (/3 Parts)| /3. The opposite of /most.>/MOTIVE CLUE (/2 Parts)| /1. /Grown /up. >Torchfield /bought the /cuckoo /clock on a recent /trip to /Switzerland.>A coroner's check revealed /two /dead /fleas on the victim's /neck.>/KILLER CLUE (/3 Parts)| /2. It produces /light.[13C]>/Subkow takes /yellow /pills for a /liver condition.>While working here last Saturday, the maintenance man says he /heard a /loud /noise which seemed to come from the architects' office next door.>/KILLER CLUES (/4 Parts)| /1. "_____'s /WELL THAT /ENDS WELL." /4. A doctor's /assistant; usually a /woman.>/KILLER CLUES (/4 Parts)| /2. Expression used in /golf to warn someone of an /oncoming /ball. /3. A /portion or /section.>/MOTIVE CLUES (/4 Parts)| /1. Common name for a /blanket or /bed /quilt. /2. The opposite of /down.>George Netter had a new /house /key /made on Monday.>William Skottle, basically an /honest /man, had for some time been /bothered by strong /pangs of /guilt.>A woman who lives above the Newspaper Shop says she saw /three or /four /men get out of a /private /carriage in the /back /alley last Saturday afternoon.>/MOTIVE CLUES (/4 Parts)| /3. /Niagara _____. /4. /Discs you /play on a /phonograph.>The /carpet in Thomas Jones' office contains two freshly /cleaned /spots. One of them has the slight /smell of /beer.>Skottle and his partners had been /falsifying /records to /conceal the company's /worsening /financial situation.>Jones and Netter were seen /drinking at the /Pub Saturday afternoon.>Although there was the /smell of /beer on Skottle's /lips, a coroner's report showed /no /alcohol in his /blood.>/Kendrick smokes Turkish cigars.[18C]>The weapon and the courier's valise were /thrown /overboard.>Prescott's /ship is being /repossessed.>/FORTUNE CLUE (/2 Parts)| /1. Not /medium or /well /done.>Holmes noticed a /streak of /rust between the thumb and forefinger of /Prescott's right hand.>/KILLER CLUE (/2 Parts)| /2. A collapsible /unit expressly made for /sleeping /upon.>/WEAPON CLUE (/2 Parts)| /2. Painful /twist of a /joint.>Lawyer James Pushkin is a /philatelist.>Matthew Bedford has a /prison /record.>/KILLER CLUE (/2 Parts)| /1. A /button on machinery might be /labeled _____.>Maxine has never /been to /India.>/WEAPON CLUE (/2 Parts)| /1. A /jungle creature who likes /bananas.>Holmes has the /fortune in /his /pocket.>There is /no /blood on the walking stick.>/FORTUNE CLUE (/2 Parts)| /2. Necessary to /mail a /letter.[9999K] [25C]>Radcliffe was not a /wealthy /man.>Luther Chamberlain had threatened his wife /with a /divorce and /no /alimony if she behaved indiscreetly.>Holmes observes that a /belt, found with Radcliffe's evening clothes, is /not in the /loops of the man's /trousers.>/Conway was /seen in the /Park on the evening of the murder.>/KILLER CLUE (/2 Parts)| /1. A /room.>The /killer is a /man.>/KILLER CLUE (/2 Parts)| /2. A /path or /thoroughfare.>Radcliffe was /not /robbed.>/MOTIVE CLUE (/2 Parts)| /2. /Ornaments are placed on a /Christmas _____.>/GENERAL /WEAPON CLUE: If Radcliffe had /worn /suspenders; he might still be alive.>/MOTIVE CLUE (/2 Parts)| /1. The opposite of /child.>Radcliffe and /Isadora were /lovers.>Mrs. Chamberlain showed her /Playhouse /ticket /stub to Inspector Gregson during questioning.>If change was found under the cab's seat cushions, one of Radcliffe's passengers must /have /been a /man.[39C]>In prescribed doses, /digitalis /aids the /heart; in overdoses, it /stops it.>If you'd /call Colonel Jeffers a /coward, check his /royalties.>Simon Pritchard is a student of /mystical phenomenon in /Hindu /cults.>/MOTIVE CLUE (/3 Parts)| /1. Rhymes with /pier.>Jeffers, Innes and Denham are all /fond of /wine during /dinner.>Innes /served /under Jeffers in /India.>/KILLER CLUE (/2 Parts)| /1. Nickname for /Jeffrey.>Colonel Jeffers /retreated to Calcutta after a light /attack by /Moslem /rebels in 1873.>The /fireworks /display could prove distracting.>/KILLER CLUE (/2 Parts)| /2. /His and _____.>/MOTIVE CLUE (/3 Parts)| /2. "The /Taming _____ the /Shrew.">/MOTIVE CLUE (/3 Parts)| /3. Too much /sun or /wind can lead to a /bad /case of it.>Denham has a variety of equipment which he uses for /practical /jokes.>Thatcher is a trained /explosives /expert.[43C]>John Kensington is a /vegetarian.>/Sylvia has /never /liked Katherine.>/MOTIVE CLUE (/3 Parts)| /2. Biblical /king who ordered all /Hebrew children /slain.>Thomas Kensington was /seen /here the night before John's shoe was found.>A man with a /beard has checked into the Hotel and /orders only /non-/meat /dinners.>/Sylvia is Thomas' /lover and is /devoted to him.>/MOTIVE CLUE (/3 Parts)| /1. Opposite of /out.>A /pair of John Kensington's /shoes are /missing.>John Kensington once publicly humiliated /Mandrake, who /swore /revenge.>Before his disappearance, John Kensington /bought a /false /beard here.>/Canton had thought that he would inherit some of Sir Oliver's fortune.>/Thomas was seen at the /telegraph /office the same day that Scotland Yard received the anonymous telegram.>The /blood on Katherine's /rug is of the /same /type as John Kensington's.>/MOTIVE CLUE (/3 Parts)| /3. A /verb can be in /past, present or /future _____.[57C]>To sell the philosopher's stone, Prout and Meriweather would have to /prove /that it /works.>When the CUTTY SHARK was reported lost at sea, the /price of /gold mining /stock /tripled.>The carriage driver tells Holmes that two fares named Prout and Meriweather resemble drawings of /Moriarty and /Sebastian /Moran. He took them to the /Stock /Exchange.>The fresh /paint on the S.S. AURIC GLOW /conceals the /markings of /another ship.>The doorman tells Holmes that a drawing of /Moriarty resembles a drawing of a hotel guest named /Whitney /Ford.>/MOTIVE CLUE (/3 Parts)| /3. /Temper /tantrums.>United States archives have /no /record of /any /ship named the S.S. AURIC GLOW.>After the discovery of the philosopher's stone, all of Digby Hicks' by-lines appeared /posthumously.>There have been no /reports of /storms in the /North /Atlantic.>When the "discovery" of the philosopher's stone was announced, the /value of /gold /mining /stock dropped drastically.>The CUTTY SHARK /never /sent an S.O.S.. >Roderick Rockcliffe's dream of being a "famous" explorer was realized /posthumously.>/MOTIVE CLUE (/3 Parts)| /1. /Lock, _____, and /barrel.>/MOTIVE CLUE (/3 Parts)| /2. /Athlete who /competes for money.[9999K] >[65C]>CODE CLUE: /K = /P, /S = /O, /F = /T, /P = /B. >Both /Howe and /Pill have made large deposits at the Bank in the past year. >At the moment McGregor was stabbed in the back, he was /pouring two /glasses of /whiskey. >McGregor's diary tells of /flashing /lights he observed with his telescope. His notations suggest he /broke a /code. >/Eric /Hite is a Prussian spy. He communicates with his agents by /flashing /light in /code from his hotel /window. >/KILLER CLUE: Genteel English ladies frequently /carried a _____ /box in their /purse. >/MOTIVE CLUES (/5 Parts)| /3. /Eat (Past tense). /4. A /humorist needs _____. >Lieutenant /Snuff| Captain /Cray| Lieutenant /Pill| Colonel /Howe. >/MOTIVE CLUES (/5 Parts)| /1. "/Mile" spelled backwards. /2. Opposite of /out. /5. /Elliot _____ was an "/untouchable." >CODE CLUE: /D = /T, /W = /A, /V = /R. >At the time of the murder, /Cray was at the Playhouse. >Colonel Howe /inherited a large /estate in the past year. >Scotland Yard has evidence that a member of the Royal Guard /is /a /spy. (The names of the /suspects are at the /Newspaper /Shop). >CODE CLUE: /X = /E, /Q = /I, /Z = /L. >[70C]>Holmes believes that the German shepherd was ordered to kill dogcatcher Wilfred Noyes to prevent Noyes from /reading the /Italian /letter. >Holmes observes /Roberto /Salsa, /Giogio /Valente's key henchman, giving commands to a large German shepherd. >Before /Caperoni was released from prison, he worked in the /prison /laundry. >The HMS CROWN JEWEL departs for /Sicily at /1:00 P.M. >"Lucky" /Manicotti| Giogio /Valente| James /Moriarty| Sergio /Caperoni. >/Manicotti and /Caperoni currently live in /Sicily. >Go to the /Hotel for the names on Holmes' suspect list. Each master criminal named /speaks /Italian. >Reputed Black Hand boss, /Giogio /Valente, is currently serving a five-year prison sentence. >/CRIME /PLANNED (/4 Parts)| /1. The first letter of /Moriarty's first name. /2. _____ is a favorite English /alcoholic beverage. >Holmes tracks the German shepherd from where the dogcatcher was mauled to /the /prison. >/BOSS CLUE: The killer's boss currently works in a /laundry. >/CRIME /PLANNED (/4 Parts)| /3. Harry Truman's /middle /initial. >Scotland Yard has new evidence of crimes committed by /Valente that could result in a /life /sentence. >/CRIME /PLANNED (/4 Parts)| /4. The _____ of /Good /Hope is located at the /tip of South /Africa. >[72C]>/PLOT CLUE (/3 Parts)| /2. A large /sheet of /paper pasted on a /wall to /advertise a /product or event. >Professor Moriarty has acquired controlling interest in several /munitions /plants in both England and Prussia. >/PLOT CLUE (/3 Parts)| /1. Contraction of "/I /am." >Parliament is in a voting deadlock over the /Prussia /issue and the Prime Minister is going to /ask the /Queen to /break it.>Interpol has reported that a famed Belgian /plastic /surgeon has joined Moriarty's gang.>The /Queen is not /herself, today. >/HIDEOUT CLUE (/2 Parts)| /1. Opposite of /over. >/MOTIVE CLUE (/5 Parts)| /3. "_____ /he's a /jolly good /fellow!" >/MOTIVE CLUE (/5 Parts)| /2. "All's /fair /in /love and _____.">/MOTIVE CLUE (/5 Parts)| /4. /Arms and /explosives(rhymes with /tuitions). >/MOTIVE CLUE (/5 Parts)| /5. What every /store hopes to /ring up. >/MOTIVE CLUE (/5 Parts)| /1. To move a /pupil or soldier /up in /grade (opposite of /demote). >/HIDEOUT CLUE (/2 Parts)| /2. In nursery rhymes, British /landmark that was /falling down. >/PLOT CLUE (/3 Parts)| /3. /King's /mate. >[88C]>Bertha Crankhose has a /cleanliness /fetish.>/WHO CLUE (/4 Parts)| /4. To /water your /lawn by hand, use a /garden _____. >/MOTIVE CLUE (/3 Parts)| /3. A _____ in the /fender is a result of a small /accident. >/WHO CLUE (/4 Parts)| /1. For a higher fare, you may /sleep in a _____ on a /train. >/HOW CLUE (/3 Parts)| /2. In a hotel, you rely on the /maid to get your /room _____. >The death of Torin Crankhose interrupted /spring /cleaning at Paxton Manor.>/HOW CLUE (/3 Parts)| /3. In the 1950's, /dancing was known as "/cutting a _____.">Torin Crankhose was a /slob who gladly left /housecleaning to his mother.>/HOW CLUE (/3 Parts)| /1. The /season when a young man's /thoughts turn to /love.>/WHO CLUE (/4 Parts)| /3. In the 1920's, to get your /car /started you had to _____ it.>/MOTIVE CLUE (/3 Parts)| /2. The alphabet letter before /J. >Slang term for /toupee.>/MOTIVE CLUE (/3 Parts)| /1. "/Lizzy /Borden took an _____ and gave her /father /forty /whacks." >/WHO CLUE (/4 Parts)| /2. "An /apple _____ day keeps the /doctor /away!" [9999K] >[97C]>/KILLER CLUE (/4 Parts)| /2. The letter following /H. >The shoe shine boy was once a /bank /vice /president. >/KILLER CLUE (/4 Parts)| /1. After He /created _____, /God created /woman. >/HOW CLUE (/3 Parts)| /3. /Metal object most often /hammered into /wood. >/MOTIVE CLUE (/2 Parts)| /2. A /convict is said to be /paying his _____ to /society.>The manicurist just had new /locks put on all /her /doors at home. >The /mother of the /girl Millburn /seduced works in the apothecary.>/KILLER CLUE (/4 Parts)| /4. The joint where you /wear your /watch. >The bald-headed barber's /toupee was found /floating in a /pond. >/KILLER CLUE (/4 Parts)| /3. An /ounce of /prevention is worth a /pound of _____.>/HOW CLUE (/3 Parts)| /1. Opposite of "/over.">/HOW CLUE (/3 Parts)| /2. An /appendage opposing the /thumb.>/MOTIVE CLUE (/2 Parts)| /1. Opposite of "/out.">Marcel, the Chef, had recommended a new /chewing /tobacco to Millburn. >[106C]>/IDENTITY CLUE (/3 Parts)| /2. Opposite /gender of "/his." >/IDENTITY CLUE (/3 Parts)| /3. Opposite /gender of "/sister." >/WEAPON CLUE (/2 Parts)| /1. The /animal that /pulls the /carriage.>/MOTIVE CLUE (/2 Parts)| /2. Small, /electrically /charged particle (/three letters). >/MOTIVE CLUE (/2 Parts)| /1. In a /poker game, another word for "/no /bet" (rhymes with "/mass").>Cathleen /went to /confession the night following the murder.>/WEAPON CLUE (/2 Parts)| /2. Horses are often /ridden on a _____ /path. >The "/father" is a "/brother." >/KILLER CLUE (/2 Parts)| /2. Opposite of "/him.">How could a priest with claustrophobia /hear /confessions in the /tiny /booth? >/KILLER CLUE (/2 Parts)| /1. A /fire gives off _____ to /warm the /body. >Whip Grady and Thomas Halloran had /an /argument over /cocktails.>/IDENTITY CLUE (/3 Parts)| /1. Same answer as you'll get at the /Playhouse for /Killer Clue /1.>A very large /bet was /placed on /another horse.>[115C]>/SCHEME CLUE (/5 Parts)| /2. /Queen's /mate.>/IDENTITY CLUE (/3 Parts)| /3. The great /detective's last /name. >Mrs. Hudson /recognized the /baby almost immediately. >/SCHEME CLUE (/5 Parts)| /1. Two letter word meaning "/mother." >/IDENTITY CLUE (/3 Parts)| /2. /Same /answer as found in the /Park. >/IDENTITY CLUE (/3 Parts)| /1. Same as answer to /clue in /Newspaper /Shop, but /singular. >A new professor has joined Cambridge where he is teaching a /theoretical science called "/genetics." >/SCHEME CLUE (/5 Parts)| /3. /Tornadoes are also called /cy_____. >/SCHEME CLUE (/5 Parts)| /4. Two letter word between "/Tower" and "/London." >/WHERE CLUE (/3 Parts)| /1. Beginning /soldiers are sent to /boot _____. >/WHERE CLUE (/3 Parts)| /3. Room where a /scientist /experiments. >/WHERE CLUE (/3 Parts)| /2. "/Deliver _____ from /evil." >The /cells in the Yard's /jail are the /wrong /kind for this case. >/SCHEME CLUE (/5 Parts)| /5. "/She" is to "/herself" as "/he" is to _____.>[116C]>Anglicized nickname for "/Ramon" is "/Ray" and everyone calls him that.>/KILLER CLUE (/3 Parts)| /3. Abbreviation for "/diameters.">The numbers on the blackboard refer to /test /scores, and a /circle is also a /ring.>/KILLER CLUE (/3 Parts)| /1. One /male /sheep.>/WEAPON CLUE (/3 Parts)| /1. A system of /speakers between /offices is called an /inter_____. >The mathematical formula for a /circle is circumference equals /Pi times /radius squared. >/KILLER CLUE (/3 Parts)| /2. /Brando's hit movie "_____ the /Waterfront.">/WEAPON CLUE (/3 Parts)| /3. Writing /tip of a /pen, or business /end of a /sword. >/WEAPON CLUE (/3 Parts)| /2. Opposite of "/fail." >/MOTIVE CLUE (/2 Parts)| /1. Opposite of "/passed." >/Jose works part time in an /ice /house.>The geometric symbol drawn on the floor indicates the /radius of a /circle.>/Pedro works part time as a /picador at the bullfights in Madrid's famous ring. >/MOTIVE CLUE (/2 Parts)| /2. Last /test of the /semester is known as the "/final _____." [9999K] t>[120C]>/HOW CLUE (/3 Parts)| /3. Where a /lion /sleeps (rhymes with "/pen").>/HOW CLUE (/3 Parts)| /2. Opposite of "/peace.">Holmes and Watson went to Dartmoor prison where the /warden had /make-/up on his /collar.>/HOW CLUE (/3 Parts)| /1. Usually, when the /lights go /out, a /fuse must be _____ (rhymes with "/unlaced").>/MASTERMIND CLUE (/2 Parts)| /2. "_____ my /dead /body!">/Giles /Conover holds the key to this adventure.>/MASTERMIND CLUE (/2 Parts)| /1. Three letter slang word for a /person in /prison.>/METHOD CLUE (/3 Parts)| /3. "If I had the /wings of an /angel, o'er these cold _____ /walls I would /fly.">/METHOD CLUE (/3 Parts)| /2. It's /all /Greek _____ me.>/METHOD CLUE (/3 Parts)| /1. Candidates /await the /election _____.>/MOTIVE CLUE (/2 Parts)| /2. English /pennies are called _____ after the /metal from which they are made.>/MOTIVE CLUE (/2 Parts)| /1. Opposite of "/loves.">At Dartmoor Prison, Holmes asked the warden to show him /Giles /Conover, Colonel /Sebastian /Moran, The /Spider Woman, and the /Creeper.>/KILLER CLUE: A /vine that /crawls along the ground.[122C]>/KILLER /PROFILE CLUE (/4 Parts)| /1. The Roman numeral for /1000. /3. A /boat secured for /repairs is said to be in a "/dry _____.">The Baker Street Irregulars inform Holmes that Ian Smuts and Colin Hoyle are /grave /robbers.>Holmes notes that the remains of the corpses were all cut with /precision and subjected to a variety of /medical tests.>/MOTIVE CLUE (/4 Parts)| /1. First three letters of the major /body of /water adjacent to /Libya. /3. Two letter symbol for the element /rhenium.>/Smuts and /Hoyle have been reported missing by their wives. The men had been employed by Dr. /Kilgore, an eccentric medical researcher.>Dr. Kilgore is obsessed with understanding how the /human /body works. He has been accused of employing /grave /robbers to obtain /corpses for /medical experiments.>/MOTIVE CLUE (/4 Parts)| /2. Take the word for a /five /cent piece and drop the first letter. /4. A word meaning "to /look for /something.">British Satanist, Alistair Mallory, was quoted as advocating /human /sacrifice as an expression of the "freedom of religion.">Alistair Mallory believes the best candidates for /human /sacrifice would be the eldest /virgin /daughters of the followers of his Satanic sect.>/VICTIM /PROFILE CLUE (/2 Parts)| /1. Word meaning "an /excavation made in the /earth to receive a /body in /burial.">Mass murderer /Henry /Hyde recently escaped from prison. He was convicted of killing eight of his relatives.>/VICTIM /PROFILE CLUE (/2 Parts)| /2. Many children enjoy playing a game called "/cops /and _____.">Scotland Yard records indicate only three mass murderers were known to chop up their victims: Henry /Hyde, Wilson /Blotto, and Byron /Mashmaier.>/KILLER /PROFILE CLUE (/4 Parts)| /2. Two letter abbreviation meaning a /commercial announcement. /4. A band that performs in a /series of /towns is "/on _____."[128C]>Steinburn tells Holmes that a /wire could have been run from the prison's /electrical /generator to Gerbic's cell.>/WHAT /HAPPENED CLUE (/2 Parts)| /1. A /complete _____ (rhymes with /met).>/WHO /RESPONSIBLE CLUE (/2 Parts)| /1. Atomic symbol for the element /polonium.>The Baker Street Irregulars observe a man resembling /Gerbic board a ship for /France.>An eavesdropping prison guard overheard bootlegger Joe Ketdee tell Gerbic, "/Keep your /mouth /shut or /else!">/MOTIVE CLUE (/2 Parts)| /1. Another word for "/exam.">Ketdee knows that /heart /failure can be induced by /electricity.>Steinburn learns that the police are currently /rounding /up all of Gerbic's former /partners in /crime.>After visiting Gerbic in prison, /Ketdee told associates: "The /deed is /done.">/MOTIVE CLUE (/2 Parts)| /2. Initials of the /insurance company "/Mutual of /New /York.">/WHAT /HAPPENED CLUE (/2 Parts)| /2. There's no such thing as a _____ /lunch.>/Ketdee told friends he had a "/shock in /store for Frank Gerbic".>The /Police have a secret program to give major /informers /new /identities and /set them /free.>/WHO /RESPONSIBLE CLUE (/2 Parts)| /2. To /rent on a long /term basis.>[132C]>/KILLER CLUE (/3 Parts)| /1. /Lofty.>Watson suggests that perhaps the projectile was /tied to a /string and /pulled /out after it made a hole in the balloon.>Holmes determines that /Aries had access to Walter's /workshop and could have /tampered with the balloon.>Holmes finds a /high-/powered /telescope in Hiram Fogg's balloon carriage.>/KILLER CLUE (/3 Parts)| /2. A /male /sheep.>A witness tells Holmes that before Walter's fatal flight, he saw a man resembling /Cloud /carrying a /can of /paint and "acting suspicious." >Watson suggests that perhaps the murderer fired an /ice /pellet into the balloon and the projectile /melted and disappeared.>/WEAPON CLUE (/4 Parts)| /2. Some rocket ships are _____ by /liquid /hydrogen. /4. Every /submarine has a /peri_____.>Holmes shows Watson that when a /telescope is inverted it can /concentrate /light and /burn a hole in fabric.>/WEAPON CLUE (/4 Parts)| /1. "You /take the _____ /road and I'll take the /low /road." /3. If you can /read /minds, you are _____/pathic.>Watson suggests that perhaps the bullet was fired /from /within the balloon /outward thus explaining why no bullet could be found.>/KILLER CLUE (/3 Parts)| /3. A layer of minute /water /droplets or /ice /particles near the surface of the earth.>/Hiram /Fogg is driven by an ambition to become England's most celebrated /balloonist.>Holmes determines Aurora Mist was /nowhere /near /Leeds on the day Walter died.[9999K] letter slang word for a /person in /p>[144C]>/MURDERER CLUE (/3 Parts)| /2. A type of /tree. >/MURDERER CLUE (/3 Parts)| /3. A /letter of the /alphabet. >A rented carriage was returned late last night. Its /damp /wheels reveal that it had /been to the /Dock. >The night watchman /here /heard a /splash in the /river on the night Willowbee was murdered. >Katherine Willowbee loves /fox /hunting. >Sir John Willowbee collected /pistols. >/Chris /Beechem is determined /to /marry Katherine. >/MURDERER CLUE (/3 Parts)| /1. Rhymes with /kiss. >Imprinted /tracks from a /carriage's /wheels were found next to Willowbee's body. >/MOTIVE CLUE (/2 Parts)| /1. Wants to /marry... >Katherine Willowbee is having an affair with playboy /Chris /Beechem. She /wanted a /divorce, but John Willowbee /refused to /grant it. >Willowbee recently /fired his /butler, /Hastings.>/MOTIVE CLUE (/2 Parts)| /2. ... /Katherine /Willowbee. >/Chris /Mapledale was at the Playhouse the night Willowbee was murdered. >[147C]>When /Wendell bought some medicine the day after the theft, he left his /umbrella at the Apothecary.>/Wendy is /overdrawn on /her bank account.>/HOW CLUE (/4 Parts)| /2. "The /Taming of _____ /Shrew." /4. A long passage /sunk /into the /earth. >/HOW CLUE (/4 Parts)| /1. Past tense of /throw. /3. A person who /inherits something.>Two clues. /Farmington specializes in building underground tunnels. Wendy Lindgram and Rose E. Lecourt are /old /school /friends. >/Wendell had a /key to the /room in which the paintings were stored overnight.>/THIEF CLUE (/4 Parts)| /4. A /unit of /weight. >There is an /airshaft /running from /Lindgram's office to the paintings' overnight storage room. >/THIEF CLUE (/4 Parts)| /3. /One if /by _____, two /if by /sea. >/Lindgram purchased a hollowed-out /peg /leg.>On the day after the theft, someone secretly replaced a Paris opera Company /prop, a /peg /leg, with a hollowed-out /peg /leg. >/THIEF CLUE (/4 Parts)| /2. A /vowel.>/Lindgram visited /Lecourt during /rehearsal at the Playhouse the day after the theft. /Lindgram also plans to see /Lecourt /perform in /Paris next week. >/THIEF CLUE (/4 Parts)| /1. A weather /element.>[149C]>/WHERE CLUE (/2 Parts)| /2. ...a /gravestone marked with the name /Jaspar /Drake. >/Moriarty secretly owns the Gold Crown Casino. >/Colonel /Moran drove his rented wagon to the /Locksmith to get a special /weapon, then to the /Newsvendor, then to Scotland Yard. >/Sebastian /Moran is a known assassin and associate of /Moriarty. >/WHERE CLUE (/2 Parts)| /1. In the /cemetery /buried under ... >The Locksmith developed and built an /air /gun. The /gun /fires without making a /sound. >An African /blow /dart and /drum were stolen recently.>/Colonel /Moran placed an obituary for /Jaspar /Drake. Drake is being buried in the cemetery. >Jeremy Jenkins and Charles Harris /are /good /friends. >Jeremy Jenkins /owes /money to /both the Gold Crown Casino and Charles Harris. >/Detective /Melbourne often plays cards at the Gold Crown Casino. >Jeremy Jenkins' murder was planned by someone to /whom /he /owes /money. >A man was /on /the /roof of Scotland Yard. After the murder, he /drove /away in a /wagon (check the /Carriage /Depot). >/Colonel /Moran used to /mountain /climb while in India. >[152C]>/WHEN /ROBBERY /OCCURRED CLUES (/4 Parts)| /1. A /chess piece.| /3. What /Shakespeare wrote. >Last night, Alec Teach Bishop tossed a /penny in the Park /fountain for /luck. >A red /cedar /bush was recently /planted on the Rook estate. >/WHERE /HIDDEN CLUES (/4 Parts)| /1. Suffix for /straw, /blue, or /goose. /3. Antonym for /high. >/WHEN /ROBBERY /OCCURRED CLUES (/4 Parts)| /2. Two-thirds of a /hat. /4. A man-made /shelter. >/Scratches on the safe's tumblers reveal that the lock had been /picked. >The man on the bicycle was seen riding near the /Museum. >/WHERE /HIDDEN CLUE (/4 Parts)| /2. Provider of /honey. >Thomas Rook's dog always /barks at /strangers. >Alec Teach Bishop pawned an old family /cedar /chest. >Thomas Rook had a /carriage /drive /him to and from the Playhouse. >While Rook was at the Playhouse, /Prudence spent the night getting /drunk at the /Pub. >When the robbery occurred, the /dog /didn't /bark. >/WHERE /HIDDEN CLUE (/4 Parts)| /4. /Wood Biblically associated with /Lebanon. [9999K] ermines that /Aries had access t[157C]>/MURDERER CLUES (/4 Parts)| /2. /T + opposite of /him. /4. A /container.>Captain Bacon's will says that /Peter /Bacon is to inherit The LUCKY LADY.>Chester Siebert says somebody recently broke into his /tool /chest.>Two clues. A /Cuban /cigar is lying beside The LUCKY LADY. The murderer used /his /left /hand to /swing the weapon at Bacon's head.>/MURDER /WEAPON CLUES (/4 Parts)| /2. The alphabet letter before /L. /3. A /bird /species.>/MURDERER CLUES (/4 Parts)| /1. A type of /nut. /3. An area of /water.>/MOTIVE CLUES (/4 Parts)| /1. Opposite of /out. /4. Rhymes with /snip.>/MURDER /WEAPON CLUES (/4 Parts)| /1. A religious /hermit. /4. Latin American /dance, the /Cha _____.>A /wrench was found underneath a bush in the Park.>Lester Quackerbarrel pawned a /cricket /bat.>/MOTIVE CLUES (/4 Parts)| /2. /Aesop's fable, "The /Tortoise and The _____." /3. /Eye + /Tea>Last week, Peter Bacon and Chester Siebert had a brawl. Bacon /injured his /right /hand in the fight.>Captain Bacon received a threatening note the day he was murdered. It said, "People who /take /away a /man's /job deserve to die!">Chester Siebert /smokes /Cuban /cigars.>[176C]>The prime suspects provide Holmes with alibis: Bobbs did his /taxes; Metsell was in a /yacht /race; Whitelam /hustled /votes; and Prof. Moriarty /played /poker. >/MOTIVE CLUE (/2 Parts)| /1. The study of the /language, /customs, /history, etc., of /China is known as "_____/nology." >The last time Banker Rob Bobbs saw Susan, he brought her /an /engagement /ring. She /turned him /down. >The morning of the death, Dock worker Joe Small lost a huge pot to Prof. Moriarty when the latter placed /three /queens on the /table. >Mata Hari tells Holmes that Prof. Moriarty used to store /poker /chips at her sister's home. "He must have /picked them /up recently," she said.>/KILLER CLUE (/3 Parts)| /2. First name of star of the film "/Harry and /Tonto." >The following belongings were stored at Susan's house: Bobbs' calculator /tape; Metsell's nautical /rope; Whitelam's /press /clippings; and Moriarty's /poker /chips. >/WEAPON CLUE (/2 Parts)| /1. A person who is intentionally /expressionless is said to have a "_____ /face." >/KILLER CLUE (/3 Parts)| /3. In /golf, the starting point of /play at each /hole is called a "_____." >A neighbor tells Holmes: "At midday, I heard a women yell 'You /did /what with /three /ladies!?' There were curses, a man yelled '/Silence!' She screamed again, then it was quiet.">/KILLER CLUE (/3 Parts)| /1. Title theme song from the film "/Mondo /Cane." >/MOTIVE CLUE (/2 Parts)| /2. The greatest of King /Arthur's /knights was /Sir _____/lot. >/WEAPON CLUE (/2 Parts)| /2. A popular /meal in England is /fish and _____. >Holmes establishes that the victim /choked to death on /several /small hard /objects which the killer subsequently /removed. >[177C]>/MOTIVE CLUE (/3 Parts)| /1. The "_____/tysburg /Address". /2. First initial of /Jackie /Kennedy /Onassis's second husband. >Del Crooks recently /cancelled the /credit /card he gave to mistress Maddy Kong. >/WEAPON CLUE (/2 Parts)| /1. The /spotted /hyena of Africa is also known as the "_____ /hyena".>Writer Shelley Guy Budd walked off the T & A Productions lot in a huff, promising never to return "unless I /get a /better /contract!" >Writer Byron Guiness-Stout has been experimenting with ways to /hypnotize an /audience into /laughing. >/KILLER CLUE (/3 Parts)| /2. /Church leader. >/WEAPON CLUE (/2. Parts)| /2. "_____/tronomy" is the art or science of /good /eating. >Ann Mannenloft Crooks recently secured /sleeping /pills to put in Del Crooks' /bedtime /glass of /milk. >Writer Byron Guiness-Stout used to have /romantic /walks here with /Maddy before /she became involved with /Crooks. >/MOTIVE CLUE (/3 Parts)| /3. /Goldie /Hawn became famous on the TV show "_____-/In." >Writer Homer Bud Carlsburg is the surprise major /beneficiary in the /will and stands /to /inherit T & A Productions. >/KILLER CLUE (/3 Parts)| /1. He wrote "/Paradise /Lost." >Holmes learns that Milton Pope Miller recently purchased /nitrous /oxide ("/laughing /gas"). >/KILLER CLUE (/3 Parts)| /3. Brand of /beer. >[179C]>Cook Elizabeth Jensen and butler Hamish Buchanan were known to /snort the /stuff.>Reconsidering the facts of the case, Holmes remarks to Watson: "Remember, my dear chap, that all /humans are /fallible.">Holmes concedes that neighbor Mrs. Mildred Minniver was a /reliable /witness. >Two members of the Langford household staff are regular /cocaine /users. (See clue at /Apothecary Shop)>/MOTIVE CLUE (/3 Parts)| /3. A member of one of the construction /battalions of the U. S. /Navy is sometimes referred to as a "_____ /bee.">/WEAPON CLUE (/2 Parts)| /2. The man who murdered /Abel.>/MOTIVE CLUE (/3 Parts)| /1. First name of /Charles /Bronson's wife, actress _____ /Ireland.>/KILLER CLUE (/2 Parts)| /1. Sign on Pres. /Truman's desk: "The _____ /stops /here." /2. A large mounted piece of /artillery. >On the morning of his death, Wilbur Langford /liked his /coffee so much that he had butler Hamish Buchanan /serve him several /cups.>Cook Elizabeth Jensen is /pregnant with Wilbur Langford's /child and was informed that she has /two /weeks to find /employment elsewhere. >/MOTIVE CLUE (/3 Parts)| /2. First name of partner of comedian /Bud /Abbott.>Holmes recovers a love letter written by /Buchanan which was returned in an /unopened envelope bearing the words: "My dearest /Ham, It can never be. /Sam." >/WEAPON CLUE (/2 Parts)| /1. Nickname of /softdrink invented by Atlanta /drugstore owner John S. /Pemberton.>Cook Elizabeth Jensen recently fixed a special /batch of /brownies for Wilbur Langford.[9999K] /4 Parts)| /1. A rel[180C]>Pauline Hellas dreams of /inheriting the /jewels.>/WHO /HAS CLUE (/5 Parts)| /1. Comic book character "/Spider _____.">/WHO /STOLE CLUE (/3 Parts)| /3. A "_____o" is a long /rope with a running /noose for catching /horses.>Holmes is able to /clear Paul Jr. of /suspicion in the /case.>/WHO /HAS CLUE (/5 Parts)| /3. The creator of "/Tarzan" was Edgar _____ /Burroughs. /5. "The /Night They /Raided /Minsky's" was a film about /strip_____.>/MOTIVE CLUE (/4 Parts)| /2. The /backfield of Notre Dame's 1942 undefeated /football team was called the "_____ /Horsemen.">/WHO /HAS CLUE (/5 Parts)| /2. /Sandra _____ starred in the film "A /Summer Place." /4. _____/agonia is the flat southern region of /Argentina.>Paul Hellas derived great satisfaction from the /act of /giving the /jewels to his wife. He looks forward to /repeating the /experience.>/MOTIVE CLUE (/4 Parts)| /1. Old saying: "Don't /look a _____ /horse in the /mouth.">/WHO /STOLE CLUE (/3 Parts)| /1. Legendary /lumberjack _____ /Bunyan.>/MOTIVE CLUE (/4 Parts)| /4. A /Quaker is a member of the /Society of _____s.>/MOTIVE CLUE (/4 Parts)| /3. Rosalind Russell and Cary Grant starred in "/His _____ /Friday.">/WHO /STOLE CLUE (/3 Parts)| /2. "_____ /week" is the name for the time when pre-/initiation /rituals are conducted by a college /fraternity.>Holmes discovers that Paul has a girlfriend named /Mandy /Rice-/Patties whom he loves to "/spoil /rotten."[161C]>On the day of his death, Hugo purchased an expensive /perfume. The pharmacist noted a gift card was addressed to /Wendy.>/KILLER CLUE: One note was /C.>Pianist Cap de la Stanza told a music critic that he /detested Hugo for /stealing his /compositions.>Harpist Milo Cad is in /love with /Wendy.>/KILLER CLUE: One note was /A.>/Footprints found outside the window were made by approximately /size /7 /feet.>Hugo and Wendy have been /seen /holding /hands here.>/KILLER CLUE: Hugo's "last composition" was the combination of /three /notes /played together. (These /notes may be found at the /Pub, /Bank, and /Hotel.)>Holmes determines the /shoe /size of prime suspects: Milo Cad: /7./5, Cap de la Stanza: /11, Wendy Vickers: /5, Melody Ace /6./5, and Antonio Allegro: /9.>Holmes determines that the murder weapon was one of the following four items: /Piano /wire, /curtain /cord, /harp /string, or /robe /sash.>/WEAPON CLUE: A combination of three /notes /sounded simultaneously is /known as a "/chord".>/KILLER CLUE: One note was /E.>Scotland Yard learns that Melody told friends that her /man was "/two-/timing" her.>/MOTIVE CLUE: The numerals 4 over 8 signify that the piece is to be /played in /double-/time.[9999K] lot. >/WEAPON CLUE (/2 [8T]>The Eternal Sleep[8C][8Q]>3432>KILLER:|1. Boris Crepnick|2. Loomis Grant|3. Leopold Harkness|4. Jules Ridgely|>WEAPON:|1. Syringe|2. Pills|3. Electricity|4. Smothered|>MOTIVE:|1. Revenge|2. Secret formula|3. Greed|4. Political chaos|[8S]>Jules Ridgely made a deal to give Crepnick the secret formula in return for one million pounds. Ridgely had to dispose of his partner, Ladder, who wanted to give the formula to the British Government.||Ridgely attached copper wire to the victim's bedpost and, from the Hotel roof, flew a kite into the thunderstorm, creating enough electricity to provide Jacob Ladder with a shocking experience.[8A]>KILLER: Ridgely|WEAPON: Electricity|MOTIVE: Secret formula[11T]>The Missing Cuckoo [11C][11Q]>3241>KILLER:|1. Maxwell Torchfield|2. Constance Lampfelt|3. Lars McSwade|4. Sir Bertram Lampfelt|>WEAPON:|1. Necktie|2. Microphone cord|3. Rope|4. Leash|>MOTIVE:|1. Adultery|2. Blackmail|3. Revenge|4. Cover up|[11S]>Mrs. Constance Lampfelt, a ham radio operator, had suspected her husband of "carrying on" with the victim. She rigged a microphone inside the cuckoo clock, hoping to learn the truth. ||Her suspicions of adultery confirmed, Constance went to the victim's apartment to confront her. They argued. Mrs. Lampfelt became enraged and strangled the victim with her poodle Phoebe's leash. She then ripped the microphone and the bird from the cuckoo clock and fled. ||When Sir Lampfelt learned of the bar maid's death, he disposed of his fake beard and grey coat disguise. [11A]>KILLER: Constance Lampfelt|WEAPON: Phoebe's leash |MOTIVE: Adultery [13T]>The Suicidal Architect [13C][13Q]>242>KILLER:|1. George Netter|2. Arthur Kendrick|3. J.S. Subkow|4. All four partners|5. Thomas Jones|>MOTIVE:|1. Revenge|2. Cover up|3. Jealousy|4. Blackmail|5. Insurance|[13S]>All five partners of the firm had been falsifying records to conceal the company's perilous financial situation. William Skottle, plagued by guilt feelings, tried to convince his partners to come clean and accept the consequences. ||When it became evident that Skottle was going to expose their charade, Skottle's four partners formulated a plan to kill him and make it look like suicide. ||At their Saturday gathering, Skottle's partners forced him to write a suicide note; shot him in Jones' office; poured beer in his mouth to make it appear that he had been drinking; and moved his body via carriage to the alley behind the Newspaper Shop. [13A]>KILLER: All four partners |MOTIVE: Cover up false records [18T]>The Waylaid Courier [18C][18Q]>3242>KILLER:|1. Matthew Bedford|2. Hugh Prescott|3. Andrew Jamison|4. James Pushkin|>WEAPON:|1. Club|2. Walking stick|3. Hammer|4. Monkey wrench|>MOTIVE:|1. Jealousy|2. Rare stamp|3. Rare document|4. Revenge|[18S]>The phrase "a fortune is at hand" alerted Holmes to the identity of the fortune, a valuable rare stamp on the envelope. ||Captain Prescott, needing money to save his ship, killed Barlow with a monkey wrench, then threw the weapon overboard (the rust on Prescott's hand alerted Holmes to the weapon used). Finding nothing of value on Barlow, Prescott threw the valise overboard and decided to frame Andrew Jamison by placing the walking stick under Jamison's bunk. [18A]>KILLER: Prescott |WEAPON: Monkey wrench |MOTIVE: Rare stamp [9999K] [25T]>The Unpaid Fare [25C][25Q]>3214>KILLER:|1. Austin Conway|2. Luther Chamberlain|3. Isadora Chamberlain|4. Harry Angers|>WEAPON:|1. Belt|2. Scarf|3. Horse reins|4. Stocking|>MOTIVE:|1. Blackmail|2. Cover up|3. Revenge|4. Adultery|[25S]>Forced into an elaborate charade to prevent Isadora Chamberlain's divorce without a financial settlement, Bevin Radcliffe appeared for their romantic rendezvous in the guise of a carriage driver. ||Luther Chamberlain learned of the affair between his wife and Radcliffe, and waited outside the Hotel the night the couple returned from the Playhouse. ||After his wife entered the Hotel, Chamberlain signaled for Radcliffe's cab. Radcliffe was forced to pick up the fare and drive to the Park, lest he give away the couple's deception. ||Inside the carriage, Chamberlain found Radcliffe's evening clothes under the seat, slipped the belt from Radcliffe's trousers, and strangled the 'cabby' when they reached the Park. [25A]>KILLER: Luther Chamberlain |WEAPON: Belt |MOTIVE: Adultery [39T]>The Duping Diogenes [39C][39Q]>42332>KILLER:|1. Simon Pritchard|2. Colonel Jeffers|3. Tristam Thatcher|4. Sir Reginald Innes|>WEAPON:|1. Explosives|2. Cobra|3. Digitalis in wine|4. Strychnine in wine|>MOTIVE:|1. Blackmail|2. Jealousy|3. Fear of exposure|4. Revenge|>WHERE:|1. Museum|2. Hotel|3. Dock|4. Playhouse|[39S]>Faced with the publication of his memoirs recounting his Indian campaign, Colonel Northrop Jeffers feared his account of a retreat from attacking Moslem rebels would hasten Sir Reginald Innes to reveal the truth--Jeffers' own cowardice in the action. ||Planning to murder Innes at the Hotel by plying his wine with a deadly overdose of digitalis, Jeffers himself made the death wager entry in the betting book of the Diogenes Club to ward off suspicion. [39A]>KILLER: Colonel Jeffers |WEAPON: Digitalis in wine|MOTIVE: Fear of exposure |WHERE: Hotel[43T]>The Kensington Corpse [43C][43Q]>3142>WHO IS RESPONSIBLE:|1. John and Thomas Kensington|2. Frederick Mandrake|3. William Canton|4. Katherine Thompson|>MOTIVE:|1. Revenge|2. Blackmail|3. Cover up|4. Inheritance|>JOHN'S WHEREABOUTS:|1. Pub|2. Hotel| 3. The bay|4. Park|[43S]>Angered by the fact that Sir Oliver left them nothing, John and Thomas Kensington concocted a scheme to get the fortune from Katherine. ||They made it look as though Katherine had killed John and dumped his body in the bay. First, Thomas coaxed Sylvia Ross, his mistress, into telling the police that she heard Katherine threaten John. They then put some of John's blood on Katherine's carpet and threw his shoes into the bay. John, disguised in a beard and moustache, hid in the Hotel. Thomas made the anonymous call from the Pub in order to throw more suspicion on Katherine. ||If Katherine received the death penalty, the fortune would go to Thomas, who would split it with John. [43A]>WHO IS RESPONSIBLE: John and Thomas Kensington |JOHN'S WHEREABOUTS: The Hotel |MOTIVE: Inheritance [57T]>The Philosopher's Stone [57C][57Q]>3243>WHAT HAPPENED TO SHIP:|1. Sank in storm|2. Became S.S. AURIC GLOW|3. Returned to Cairo|4. Never existed|>MOTIVE:|1. Create government chaos|2. Smuggle gold| 3. Steal ship|4. Stock profits|>MASTERMIND:|1. Meriweather|2. Rockcliffe|3. Moriarty|4. Hicks|[57S]>Professor Moriarty and Colonel Sebastian Moran devised the hoax of the philosopher's stone as a means to manipulate gold mining stock prices. ||Moran murdered Roderick Rockcliffe and Digby Hicks in order to usurp their respective identities, lending credibility to the scheme. ||When the "discovery" of the philosopher's stone was announced, gold mining stock prices plummeted and Moriarty purchased all the stock available. When news arrived that the philosopher's stone was lost at sea, gold mining stock prices skyrocketed and Moriarty resold the stock for a staggering profit. [57A]>WHAT HAPPENED TO SHIP: Changed name to S.S. AURIC GLOW |MOTIVE: Stock profits |MASTERMIND: Moriarty [9999K] [65T]>The Murdered Stargazer[65C][65Q]>224>KILLER:|1. Eric Hite|2. Lt. Pill|3. Captain Cray|4. Lt. Snuff|5. Colonel Howe|>MOTIVE:|1. Eliminate govt. spy|2. Revenge|3. Get secret code|4. Eliminate witness|5. Inheritance|[65S]>Stanford McGregor observed Lieutenant Pill flashing lights in code to spy Eric Hite at the Hotel. Stanford learned Pill's name by breaking the code Hite and Pill used.||Stanford made the fatal mistake of attempting to blackmail Pill. To make contact with Pill, Stanford placed an advertisement in the newspaper, employing the same code used by the spies. Instead of paying Stanford, Pill silenced him forever by stabbing him in the back.[65A]>KILLER: Pill|MOTIVE: Eliminate witness[70T]>The Italian Letter[70C][70Q]>3422>KILLER:|1. "Lucky" Manicotti|2. Sergio Caperoni|3. Giogio Valente|4. Roberto Salsa|>KILLER'S BOSS:|1. Prof. Moriarty|2. Giogio Valente|3. Sergio Caperoni|4. "Lucky" Manicotti|>CRIME PLANNED:|1. Steal Crown Jewels|2. Jail escape|3. Rob laundry|4. Extortion|[70S]>Giogio Valente is the reputed boss of London's Black Hand society. He is serving a five-year prison sentence for extortion. New evidence now implicates Giogio in more serious crimes, which could result in a lifelong prison sentence. Giogio regularly communicates with his subordinates by throwing messages from the window of his prison cell to a waiting messenger dog. The dog carries the messages past the guard station.||Giogio's latest message concerned a prison escape planned for noon, while Giogio was working in the prison laundry. Giogio requested a saw, rope, gunmen, and a swift carriage to take him to the Dock where he could board the HMS CROWN JEWEL headed for Sicily that afternoon.||Dogcatcher Wilfred Noyes captured the messenger dog just as a Valente henchman, Roberto Salsa, appeared on the scene. When Salsa saw Noyes with the letter, he ordered the dog to attack Noyes. The approaching bobby frightened Salsa away before Salsa retrieved the message.[70A]>KILLER: Roberto Salsa|KILLER'S BOSS: Giogio Valente|CRIME PLANNED: Jail escape[72T]>The Chessboard Monarch [72C][72Q]>3124>PLOT:|1. Plant impostor Queen|2. Blow up London Bridge|3. Blow up Parliament|4. Plant impostor Holmes|>MOTIVE:|1. Disrupt government|2. Munitions sales|3. Revenge for persecution|4. Ransom|>HIDEOUT:|1. Dock|2. Pawnshop attic|3. Under Bank|4. Under London Bridge|[72S]>As usual, Professor Moriarty could not resist leaving a cryptic clue to lure Holmes into his latest evil scheme. Moriarty had replaced the Queen of England with an impostor. His plan was to promote war with Prussia and thereby profit from munitions sales through the many arms factories in which he had acquired interest. Holmes rescued the real Queen from Moriarty's hideout under London Bridge, but the Professor escaped by boat. [72A]>PLOT: Impostor Queen|MOTIVE: Promote war for munitions sales|HIDEOUT: Under London Bridge[88T]>The Impeccable Room [88C][88Q]>3212>HOW GAS WAS ADMINISTERED:|1. Vacuum hose|2. Spring cleaned rug|3. Open bottle in room|4. Through vent|>KILLER:|1. Bertha Crankhose|2. Lord Paxton|3. Dr. Dabsworth|4. Tipton Paxton|>MOTIVE:|1. Jealousy|2. Accident|3. Revenge|4. Mistaken identity|[88S]>Bertha Crankhose couldn't bear to see an untidy room, especially her son's, so she cleaned it incessantly, which drove him to drink. The naphtha gas in the rug cleaning fluid Bertha used in her son's room was the real killer--or was it motherhood? [88A]>HOW GAS WAS ADMINISTERED: Spring cleaned rug |THE KILLER: Bertha Crankhose |THE MOTIVE: Accident [9999K] iscovery" of [97T]>The Bald-Headed Barber [97C][97Q]>3432>KILLER:|1. Chauffeur|2. Shoe shine boy|3. Barber|4. Manicurist|>MOTIVE:|1. Revenge|2. Blackmail|3. In debt|4. Vendetta|>HOW POISON WAS ADMINISTERED:|1. In chewing Tobacco|2. Under finger nail|3. In Prescription|4. In Shampoo|[97S]>Thed Millburn was so disliked, people got in line to kill him. One of the bald-headed barber's employees was the one who finally polished him off. [97A]>KILLER: Manicurist |THE MOTIVE: In debt|HOW THE POISON WAS ADMINISTERED: Under finger nail [106T]>The Claustrophobic Cleric [106C][106Q]>44121>PRIEST'S IDENTITY:|1. Heather's father|2. Whip Grady's brother|3. Cathleen's husband|4. Heather's brother|>WEAPON:|1. Horse bridle|2. Horse whip|3. Scarf|4. Bare hands|>KILLER:|1. Cathleen Downs|2. Heather Grady|3. Roone Mayberry|4. Father Jonas|>MOTIVE:|1. Passion|2. Insurance|3. Win large bet|4. Gambling debts|[106S]>Heather Grady's brother would do anything to save her from hanging for murder. His masquerade as a priest fell apart when he said he was claustrophobic, because a priest hears confessions in a tiny booth. [106A]>PRIEST'S IDENTITY: Heather's brother|WEAPON: Horse bridle |KILLER: Heather|MOTIVE: Passion [115T]>The Whimpering Waif [115C][115Q]>3231>INFANT'S IDENTITY:|1. Clone of Moriarty|2. Clone of Holmes|3. Mrs. Hudson's grandchild|4. Clone of Watson|>WHERE MORIARTY IS:|1. Classroom|2. His country estate|3. Campus laboratory|4. Hotel lavatory|>SCHEME:|1. Make clones of himself|2. Make clones of Holmes|3. Infiltrate Scotland Yard|4. Steal scientific formula|[115S]>Imagine a world populated by hundreds of Moriartys. Though he relished the thought, the evil Professor couldn't resist leaving behind at least one infant Holmes which he could bedevil in the future, so he stole Holmes' appendix for its cell structure. Mrs. Hudson fainted because she recognized the child as one she'd cared for many years ago. Much to the chagrin of the Professor, however, none of the cloned infants survived beyond one year. [115A]>IDENTITY OF INFANT: Clone of Holmes|WHERE MORIARTY IS: Campus laboratory |SCHEME: Making clones of himself [116T]>The Mathematician's Murder [116C][116Q]>3412>KILLER:|1. Carmen Baptist|2. Pedro Pinto|3. Jose Pisquardo|4. Ramon Dias|>WEAPON:|1. Compass point|2. Ice pick|3. Fountain pen|4. Blow gun|>MOTIVE:|1. Secret math formula|2. Failed exam|3. Get professor's job|4. Jealousy|[116S]>Ever want to kill your math teacher? Ramon Dias did--and did! The geometric design on the floor of the murder scene was a quick shortcut to the solution if you recognized it as a "radius" and connected it with "Ray Dias." [116A]>KILLER: Ramon Dias |WEAPON: Compass point |MOTIVE: Failed exam [9999K] escued the real Queen from Moriarty's hideout under London Bridge, but the Professor escaped by boa[120T]>The Broken Bobbies[120C][120Q]>523143>KILLER:|1. Arnold Bulges|2. Creeper|3. Tim Barwood|4. Percy Condor|>MOTIVE:|1. Insanity|2. Hates Holmes|3. Hates coppers|4. Wipe out Scotland Yard|>METHOD:|1. Returns to prison|2. Impersonates a bobby|3. Hides under Scotland Yard|4. Hides in Graveyard|>RINGLEADER:|1. Moran|2. Spider Woman|3. Moriarty|4. Conover|>HOW HE PULLED IT OFF:|1. Secret tunnel|2. Hot air balloon|3. Replaced warden|4. Replaced Lestrade|[120S]>If you solved this case in less than eight clues, consider yourself a master 221B Baker Street player.||The criminals mentioned in this case had overcome the guards and taken control of the prison, using it as a base of operations, with ringleader Giles Conover disguised as the warden. The Creeper left the prison to commit the murders, and returned to his cell after each crime.[120A]>KILLER: Creeper|MOTIVE: Hates coppers|METHOD: Returns to prison|RINGLEADER: Conover|HOW HE PULLED IT OFF: Replaced warden[122T]>The Carved Corpses[122C][122Q]>3241>KILLER PROFILE:|1. Terrorist|2. Mad doctor|3. Mass murderer|4. Satanist|>MOTIVE:|1. Exorcism|2. Religious "freedom"|3. Revenge|4. Medical research|>MURDER VICTIM PROFILE:|1. Grave robbers|2. Psychopath's relatives|3. Human sacrifices|4. Policemen|[122S]>Dr. Benjamin Kilgore's quest for knowledge about every aspect of the operation of the human body led him to increasingly unethical anatomical investigations and medical experiments. Kilgore hired grave robbers Ian Smuts and Colin Hoyle to provide him with the raw material for his studies. When Smuts and Hoyle failed to produce their assigned quota of corpses, the enraged Dr. Kilgore murdered the men so that he might experiment on their bodies.[122A]>KILLER PROFILE: Mad doctor (Kilgore)|MOTIVE: Medical research|MURDER VICTIM PROFILE: Grave robbers[128T]>The Death Row Murder [128C][128Q]>3214>WHAT HAPPENED TO GERBIC:|1. Electrocuted|2. Set free|3. Escaped|4. Hung|>WHO RESPONSIBLE:|1. Police|2. Joe Ketdee|3. Holmes|4. Wardwood Steinburn|>MOTIVE:|1. Revenge|2. Blackmail|3. Cover up|4. Testimony|[128S]>Gangster Frank Gerbic was a condemned man until he agreed to bargain with the police for his freedom. The Police discovered Ketdee's intended plan of assassination and used it to their own advantage. They faked Gerbic's death and, in exchange for providing evidence against all of his former partners in crime, the Police gave Gerbic a new identity and his freedom. [128A]>WHAT REALLY HAPPENED TO GERBIC: Set free |WHO RESPONSIBLE: Police |MOTIVE: Testimony [132T]>The Balloonist's Demise[132C][132Q]>3123>KILLER:|1. Hiram Fogg|2. Upton Cloud|3. Roland Aries|4. Aurora Mist|>WEAPON:|1. Ice pellet|2. Telescope|3. Magnifying glass|4. Bullet|>MOTIVE:|1. Revenge|2. Blackmail|3. Ambition|4. Passion|[132S]>Balloonist Hiram Fogg craved the limelight but was always upstaged by Walter Summer. Driven by his ambition to be famous, Hiram set about to murder his rival. He accomplished the crime by flying his balloon above Walter's, and training a high-powered telescope upon the fabric of his victim's balloon. The telescope was inverted to concentrate sunlight, and quickly burned a hole in the fabric resulting in Walter's untimely death. [132A]>KILLER: Hiram Fogg |WEAPON: High-powered telescope|MOTIVE: Ambition to be famous [9999K] drove h[144T]>The Nobleman's Death[144C][144Q]>3213>KILLER:|1. Chris Mapledale|2. Chris Beechem|3. Katherine Willowbee|4. Hastings the butler|>WHERE IS WEAPON:|1. In the Thames River|2. In the Park|3. In the carriage|4. In the Playhouse|>MOTIVE:|1. Revenge|2. Ended affair|3. Marry Katherine|4. Jealousy|[144S]>Chris Beechem and Katherine Willowbee were having an affair and wanted to get married. Since Sir John refused to grant Katherine a divorce, Beechem decided to eliminate him. Beechem waited several weeks for the right opportunity, which came when he learned in conversation with Katherine that Sir John was going to the Playhouse alone that night. After the performance concluded, Beechem followed Sir John. When they reached a secluded spot in the Park, Beechem shot Sir John in the back. Beechem then rode to the Dock and disposed of the incriminating evidence by throwing the pistol into the Thames River.[144A]>KILLER: Chris Beechem|WHERE IS MURDER WEAPON: In the Thames River (by the Dock)|MOTIVE: He wanted to marry Katherine Willowbee[147T]>Vincent, Alexei, and Edouard[147C][147Q]>3423>THIEF:|1. Sonny Wendell|2. Rose Lecourt|3. C.E. Farmington|4. Wendy Lindgram|>HOW ENTERED STORAGE ROOM:|1. Trapdoor|2. Through airshaft|3. Drugged guard|4. Bribed guard|>WHERE PAINTINGS ARE HIDDEN:|1. Under Museum|2. In airshaft|3. In peg leg|4. Rose's dressing room|[147S]>Wendy Lindgram was broke and needed money desperately. She therefore schemed to steal the valuable paintings. First, she hid in the airshaft going from her office to the storage room. After the Museum was closed and locked up, she crawled through the shaft into the storage room and took the paintings. To smuggle the paintings out of the country, Lindgram obtained a hollowed-out peg leg, into which she put the paintings. Taking advantage of her old friendship with Rose E. Lecourt, Lindgram went backstage during an Opera Company rehearsal, and switched her hollowed-out peg leg with the Opera Company's peg leg prop. Lindgram planned to go to Paris and re-switch the peg legs, then auction the paintings on the black market.[147A]>THIEF: Wendy Lindgram|HOW GOT INTO STORAGE ROOM: Through the airshaft|WHERE PAINTINGS ARE HIDDEN: In hollowed-out peg leg at Playhouse[149T]>The Missing Corpse [149C][149Q]>3232>WHO PLANNED MURDER:|1. Annie Langdon|2. Moriarty|3. Moran|4. Charles Harris|>WEAPON:|1. Poison dart|2. Slingshot|3. Air gun|4. Crossbow|>WHERE CORPSE IS:|1. Under casino|2. Buried as Jaspar Drake|3. Buried as Charles Harris|4. Buried as Prof. Moriarty|[149S]>Professor Moriarty, who owns the Gold Crown Casino, planned Jenkins' murder. When Jenkins couldn't pay the money he owed the casino, Moriarty decided to kill him as an example to other gamblers. Moriarty's associate, Colonel Moran, killed Jenkins with an air gun which makes no sound. Moran had scaled the Scotland Yard roof by rope and waited for Jenkins to walk by. After the shot was fired, Moran scrambled down, took the corpse, and buried it in a cemetery grave marked with the phony name, Jaspar Drake. [149A]>WHO PLANNED MURDER: Professor Moriarty |WEAPON: An air gun |WHERE CORPSE IS: In the cemetery buried under a gravestone marked with the name, Jaspar Drake [152T]>Blackbeard's Treasure [152C][152Q]>41234>WHO STOLE COLLECTION:|1. Ethan Black|2. Prudence Standish|3. Alec Teach Bishop|4. Moriarty|>HOW SAFE OPENED:|1. Acid on lock|2. Picked the lock|3. Dynamite|4. Thief knew combination|>WHEN ROBBERY OCCURRED:|1. While Rook was asleep|2. While Rook was at Pub|3. While Rook was at Playhouse|4. While Rook was at Apothecary|>WHERE HIDDEN:|1. In dog house|2. In wood shed|3. Under fountain|4. Under red cedar bush|[152S]>Ethan Black had been planning the theft for some time. While Rook was at the Playhouse, Black, who is an expert safe cracker, stole the coins by picking the safe's lock. The next day, Black planted a red cedar bush and buried the coin collection underneath it. Black had planned to leave the coins there until old Thomas Rook died, then retrieve them, using the bush as his marker. [152A]>WHO STOLE COLLECTION: Ethan Black |HOW SAFE OPENED: Picked the lock |WHEN ROBBERY OCCURRED: When Rook was at Playhouse|WHERE HIDDEN: Buried under red cedar bush.[9999K] [157T]>"The Lucky Lady" Murder [157C][157Q]>44231>KILLER:|1. Hazel|2. Lester Quackerbarrel|3. Chester Siebert|4. Peter Bacon|>WEAPON:|1. Bat|2. Monkey wrench|3. Hammer|4. Oar|>MOTIVE:|1. Insurance|2. Revenge|3. Inherit ship|4. Smuggling|>WHERE IS WEAPON:|1. Under Park bush|2. Under Park bench|3. Under the Dock|4. Ship's cargo hold|[157S]>Captain Bacon was a bachelor and, upon his death, wanted to give the LUCKY LADY to his nephew, Peter. But after the will was drawn up, Peter Bacon got greedy and wanted the ship immediately. He planned the murder and diverted suspicion towards Chester Siebert by planting a Cuban cigar stub on the dock, and sending a threatening note to the Captain. Peter stole Siebert's monkey wrench. That night, the unsuspecting Captain let his nephew aboard the ship and, when his back was turned, Peter clubbed him over the head with the wrench. Bacon then hid Siebert's wrench under a park bush, figuring it would be easily found. The final stroke in Bacon's plan was to see Sherlock Holmes to divert suspicion from himself. [157A]>KILLER: Peter Bacon |WEAPON: Monkey wrench |MOTIVE: Inherit ship |WHERE IS MURDER WEAPON: Underneath a park bush [176T]>Mata Hari's Older Sister [176C][176Q]>3314>KILLER:|1. Rob Bobbs|2. Dick Metsell|3. Moriarty|4. Jon Whitelam|>WEAPON:| 1. Poker chips|2. Nautical rope|3. Calculator tape|4. Scarf|>MOTIVE:|1. Jealousy|2. Revenge|3. Rage|4. Silence|[176S]>Susan, could not bear to see a man notice another woman. When he did, she unleashed a verbal torrent at the wrongdoer. Most men who dated Susan didn't mind this too much, but Prof. James Moriarty took exception. ||Moriarty paid a visit to Susan's home to collect some poker chips stored there. They had a nice chat until he mentioned that he took a "large pot with three ladies." Moriarty was talking about a large poker hand won with three queens. ||Unfortunately Susan misunderstood and read Moriarty the riot act. He put his hand over her mouth to quiet her long enough to clear up the misunderstanding. Sadly, Susan swallowed a mouthful of poker chips and choked to death. [176A]>KILLER: Moriarty |WEAPON: Poker chips |MOTIVE: Silence [177T]>The Producer's Happy Ending [177C][177Q]>3134>KILLER:|1. Milton Pope Miller|2. Homer Bud Carlsburg|3. Shelley Guy Budd|4. Byron Guiness-Stout|>WEAPON:|1. Sleeping pills|2. Hypnosis|3. Laughing gas|4. A feather|>MOTIVE:|1. Inherit company|2. Revenge|3. Jealousy|4. Get a laugh|[177S]>Comedy producer Del Crooks was a hard man to please. Most staff writers at T & A Productions resigned themselves to that fact. They were just hanging on for the day when they got their own shows. ||One writer who was determined to make Del laugh by hook or crooks was Milton Pope Miller. When he repeatedly failed to even arouse a smile from Crooks, the resourceful Miller went out and bought some "laughing gas." The next time Crooks demanded of Miller "Make me laugh!", Miller obliged with a triple dose of the gas. ||The mirth was too much for the man. [177A]>KILLER: Milton Pope Miller |WEAPON: Laughing gas |MOTIVE: Get a laugh [179T]>The Dead Tycoon [179C][179Q]>3222>KILLER:|1. Elizabeth Jensen|2. Hamish Buchanan|3. Samantha Langford|4. Dick Richie|>WEAPON:|1. Strychnine|2. Cocaine|3. Sleeping pills|4. Morphine|>MOTIVE:|1. Revenge|2. Jealousy|3. Insurance|4. Accident|[179S]>This is a case that Holmes would rather you forget. He was wrong and Watson was right! ||Butler Hamish Buchanan was deeply in love with Samantha Langford and despaired that his low social station (not to mention her marriage) doomed that love. In a fit of jealousy, Hamish slipped a fatal dose of cocaine in Mr. Langford's morning coffee. Langford liked it so much he had several cups until his heart gave out. [179A]>KILLER: Buchanan |WEAPON: Cocaine |MOTIVE: Jealousy [9999K] g the safe's lock. The next day, Black planted a red cedar bush and buried the coin collection underneath it. Black had pla[180T]>The Missing Family Jewels [180C][180Q]>3432>WHO HAS JEWELS:|1. Pauline Hellas|2. Arny Phugg|3. Paul Hellas|4. Mandy Rice-Patties|>WHO STOLE THEM:|1. Pauline Hellas|2. Dave Twotimer|3. Paul Hellas|4. Jason Hanrahan|>MOTIVE:|1. Insurance|2. Gift for girlfriend|3. Greed|4. Revenge|[180S]>Paul Hellas had such a good time showering jewels on his wife that he wanted to do it again. This time he showered the same jewels on his girlfriend, Mandy Rice-Patties. ||To explain their loss, Paul falsely reported a theft of the jewels to the police and the insurance company. [180A]>WHO HAS JEWELS: Mandy Rice-Patties |WHO STOLE THEM: Paul Hellas |MOTIVE: Gift for girlfriend [161T]>The Composer's Dying Note [161C][161Q]>3122>KILLER:|1. Melody Ace|2. Cap de la Stanza|3. Milo Cad|4. Antonio Allegro|>WEAPON:|1. Piano wire|2. Curtain cord|3. Harp string|4. Robe sash|>MOTIVE:|1. Revenge|2. Two-timing|3. Blackmail|4. Cover up|[161S]>For composer Hugo Monty Leggo, music was almost his entire life (he made a little room for wine and women, as well). ||Recently, Hugo had been hired to provide piano lessons to university student Miss Wendy Vickers. Before long they were lovers, much to the dismay of Hugo's jealous girlfriend, Melody Ace. ||Melody watched the duo from outside the living room window of the Vickers home. When Miss Vickers left the room, Melody entered the house and confronted Hugo. In a rage, she strangled the composer with a curtain cord. ||As a dying gesture, Hugo scribbled the musical message whichidentified the killer, weapon, and motive. [161A]>KILLER: Ace |WEAPON: Cord |MOTIVE: Two-timing [9999K] ception. ||Moriarty paid a vi4\z2222222222 G%55-=S9 / +[΅myYG/ExH/ԩ $J 4#h $ $J '#(`Hԩ"h`Hԩh` ҍ`ҥ`low's body to the Dock and threw it into the river. [141A]>MURDERER: Arnold Kenilworth|MOTIVE: Revenge|CAUSE OF DEATH: The drug, Strychnine|WHERE: Park[153T]>The Murdered Stockbroker[153C][153Q]>3412>MURDERER:|1. Lionel Reinfield|2. Jenny Bailey|3. Henry LY(H$J A# J#$h@$$h@H$J A# J#Φ$h@TÍh@HJ A# J#>ٍh@H J#h-@Hҍԩ A#)))ҭ)h@H))$)ꭃ)X)LX%HHH) %))))@I@ %hhhh@h@)́) HHH '(hhh G'h@)8)))m))h@))@)))h@㍀)`Í))`L'L ( &L% '% jI@%))LG' '(LG'O%`) )ȱJJJ )xȱm)ȱm)橃) %ȱ)))@ )JJJ)t0%)JO%L&***)o&)Z0%JO%L& **%X0%O%i`m)&)&) i&JJ)$L&&)$JJ)$&JJJJ)$&***)$`   m)C')JJJ)$L8' )$JJJ)$`))m))J)`))Jjjjj ))')䭋)J)` )m)'))JJ$ 'L' ' '`J$J$J$J$`)m)&))) L&)F()B())@I@ J($8}$j$)J()`89^ ) (0,'xԭ))$ ( ()X)`xԍ҅)))))(L())L()ҩҩ@ҩЍҍ ҩ҅`X0%O% %)))Í`**)m))m)m)ȱm))ȱm)ȱm)%`*4pnnnnnnnnnnnn V + G  :-J=  !;[^]H]^^^]Y^(X^ \XZ|^0^`\]~_?kUUjUjUUVo[j VjPVjPVjAVjAUVeUjUZYY6JYbreui2%cfL3WiiV55Yff7uWS|UvwfgVVviXGk|fGim\xerCtIhvVWxxfuWffvxgxffvyxvfVvWTxfhdhxfwexxfgvwʈwwwwwfe˘wwg5SxxeW#BHeI22|fwxvxw4xDygh5BfhjeiZjfVjeeYu-t\bxvYsf)3\)sj621cfgi6vXY%(Z&ZbZZfZRYyYYfyejiUZjZZZ]jZFWiZhy(]$hffwxdVftHVt㌅XEvdxG5dthvWeuTIdVv6DxfVehuVVxwwgVvxWVf눈wFEevWVeʌwvgfVڈwxwgUUvxɊy2"txjUxwwwwwwwwffffwwxwwwfwwwxwwwfwwwxeFefwʘxU6dDxzF1DxhEfTUgvfEC4\z2222222222 G%55-=S9 / +[΅myYG/Ef y!1K#K' .[^:]F[^zX]b_^]^^\X^nN^[^.\_^>jZ^>F]^>\_N]^^ښ_?UoAkQZVZUjUjQVjUUoPEZUZVo[UjUVZe6#s:LZbij\f\rivehefZZii*ZiiVZZj tjW֒Za-ZVjGjVjYZZV.mZ[ZZUVZVEDuUGDtz[cgy:sfx7gwhvgUxyhwfUhwfVxgxx6twٌ8twLj gxrhvfxfwfxwxvgvfxwwwgwfwwwgwfwxwgwfwfwwwxegeYwfpLsvzivh<.>         ,333<<3<<3???{k{k    UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUDDDDDDDD""""""""33333333ffffffffցȠ ցȁցȠˠցҠЁցȠˠցȠ́ցȠˠցȠ͠ցȠӠցЁցցҁցˁցȠΠցȠŁցȠցāցāց in at ,>MVir|221B Baker Streetthe Apothecarythe Bankthe Carriage Depotthe Dockthe Hotelthe Locksmith Shopthe Museumthe Newspaper Shopthe Parkthe Pawnshopthe Playhousethe PubScotland Yardthe Tobacconist Shop"&6GXhv #3@O`q$4D..>.M.^.n.........//!/2/C/J/O`qU/c/`qt//////////00EEEEEEEE FO`qF,F:F3DUf<Ufw *:J[l}Uf<'8IZk|Zk"0Zk30D0U0e0v000000000Uf<YUf<11/1=1N1_1p11111111KFYFjF{FFFFFFf<Z>5;3w &&17ETev0ARctR1t11 22+2<22M2^2o2222222222223333"3(3.343FFFFGGz95;3!, ##07DUaek|=3N3_3k3|333|33333$;5;30ARctARctARctARctARctARctARctARctARctARctARctARc3344.4?4M4]4m4~44444444455C/GARc<5;3,!2CTev(7HYj {$555F5T5b5p5555555555M66$616A6O6^6o6~6666666666677Z>5;3DUf<M^ly/=KXdp| Uf<YUf<.?M[iw)767>7J7Y7f7t7777777Uf<M77777888,8=8N8Z8f8r8z8z888888Uf<Z>5;3w +3;E +'+/5;J[l}v $+<CJ[88888 99&919;9H9#&--X92i92z95;3N_jnu}lvUa 0= M]l{99999999999::!:/:@:O:`:q::::::::::;;$;5;30ARctARctARctARctARctARctARctARctARc*;L]mF;V;f;v;;;;ARc;;;;;;;;<<#<)<:<>>">'>8>I>Z>5;3DUf<M(9JZjzJZjzP a r Uf<M !!*!;!L!]!n!z!!Uf<!!!!!!""$"k>|>>Uf< U>>>>>>>>??&?5?D?U?d?q?|????Uf<Z>5;3w$0@Qbsb'8'5"F"W"g"w"""""""""##$#5#D#U#f#w#########$!$2$C$??i9z95;3NIUU]hs ->KX>T$e$N_s$$$$$$$$$$$%%$%5%F%W%h%y%%%%%%%%&&#&--X9$;5;3evRtARctARctARctARctARctARctARctARctARc4&E&U&e&v&&&&&&???@@@,@:@I@V@d@s@@@@@@@@@AA&A7AEAPA`A  , < L ] n ~    & 3 A N \ j v &&& '')'9'J'X'i'YjYjz''''''''(((+(3(qA|AAAAAAAAABB!B2BCBTBeBvBBBBBBBB   + < M ^ o ~ Uf<  # 1 = <(M(^(k(x(((Uf<YUf<YUf<YUf<YUf<YUf<YUf<YUf<YUf<YUf<YUf<Z>5;I Z k {  - > O ^ k w  (((((())*);)E)R)c)t))c)t))))))))***+*:*K*\*i*x**BCC#C4CECVCgCxCCCCCCCCz95; '5EVgt*******++%+6+G+V+g+x+++++++++ ,,,.,:,H,V,CDD D1DADRDaDrDDDDDD#&--D5;30ARctARctARctARctARctARctARctARcd,u,,,,,,,,,,, --%-3-@-N-Z-e-p-{-#&---_-----..!.DDD EE)E8EFEUEjaEnE&E5;""""""""""""# -04# -05RPTU""""# -05# -05ETQQTUQUEQTUQUQU# -05QUQUETTQUETUQUEQETEUQUTUQW\+32` * 3 "⼫U3 """Z>:""&iB"")i@ _ 3K """""3P3 -----3C""""""U \xW^0rZ""""? c"""""""""""& *"*0NGDD*("0p3`(GU@(YfiB0Zj"""3@3 0C0 C # 0uTUEUW _3sÀW \0pP\0p &P73dD bP1DDDQQ 0cc0DDDP73DcP5DDDQQQDDP73DcP5DDDQQQDO?DDDD Q@Q %TPA@PPPPD@@@@@TUEUW\=zW^=z R ZZ0D"R@S*"#Z[*?"";"""+.;*.UV""""""""""""" &$B""2"3B333?<= 0uETQW \0pxW\>x%!"F!"JJ jiZ R"" / /*"# ?*? ?""".+"(Ꙫ"ꋎ PPPU"""" &@#/" &$Cc/233PCo3"3?<=03=<=0QUQTUQW \0qpU \0p|P"2D0r2?@DDDDD2BBBB2&&&""&2ffffff0r3?? 020?2goP R PxW ^=x"""骚fbf"""jfhH"  "hf""""""!!%"**" "XZJ%? # !J!HH/"JH"%0#O=0 RDUUTUP*(@ETEEW]tUUTU0"DUUEU REUPUUpPUUUTDpUUUTDDDDAaA DEDUD@B@UUTQET%EE#E "*6E30 *("ADADADPPPAD+o?"k+k+k+k(j+o02"V302 2"""""""""""""""" #,0ADADADADADAD|<|<|<|<|<0 ?2?"""#,0#,0QUQETEUQUTUQW^9v \0p9fffd@<`dUTQF    UUP05050505pUUPUUP\ \ \ \ _UQQQQQQQALLLLDECCSC0 CD"B @0B0fff5"bf D$0fR5U <@`&P"@" 1#" 130u30uQUQpW \0p"sDQDP *?3EE .3"U@̳̌32U432UTEUW \0pS]4qUPP UUEPE@_L\L\L\LOTPPUPUPP\ \ \ PUPP""PUPPPUPP ,,PUPP"*QUQQ15QDDL2x2x2x2xL= EEEEEDPPPPPPUUTP@Cj""B>"""B>""""B@>E<"B@#c#"B<@ c"B@r##"B@* #"<""""#"""" ,?2PPU PPU5 PDDDDDADDDDAT<DT0DDDEHH"HDDDUU"""""L??""".(=""" T"P@"2U =E"UW_]}@h@W_}w0<UUɉbB04"""j@j@ ZZ %"5 05 05QTEW \0p""bCUPU2Q@UFUTUEpUUTQCUPUUPUEUUQU@UdUTUUEUUUQUBUU*(@UdUQEUQ(@U2UBUTBQPЪUUTQEUTP@P@BTPJ `" ?%`EU B5U UB&T`U?UWTVTPUW|!0(UDDDEG]0uG]0uQTE U f? v= hT2T!#C#@@@B#U U2W_2}B _ɉPɉ : BP (%""0hX& 05 05ETQW \3p% ?<0&E&T(2 E?2UP""""BV"0"3r"@""RB"*좊."BP꺪RBPB*C@RSP2"Tȫ꺮*뮪"⸢"""""###p<30"<=04U<=QUQETQUUEQUQUTTQTTUQUSEWS_ \ \ \B "3><"""""""*** *3 2뫬""""32323"U@"32U5 "2 .f3ETEf3ETEf3ETE.f3ETEˆb=AAA0 <\\\W3!,  "" """"""""""" (( 05 05QUQ0@O4@BUUT0545BUUPTETGWGWGTETU@LCLCU@TETU3